In the book of Judges, Gideon asks the Angel of the Lord," ... where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about...".
In the Book of 2 Kings 2:13-14 Elisha cries out," ... Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"
I truly believe that there is a deep hunger among God's people for the super-natural. If we are to walk in the footsteps of Jesus our lives aught to be full of it.
In the Bible is says that the Believers went about preaching the Good News of the Gospel and signs and wonders followed.
The super-natural in the life of the Believer should be normal and expected. HOWEVER, we are NOT to chase after miracles, signs and wonders. WE ARE TO CHASE AFTER JESUS, and the miracles are a byproduct of our relationship with Him. Here we get into that issue of being spiritually mature, again. The miracles are, of course, an encouragement to Believers as they have physical evidence that God is among them but, more so, they are a testimony to the world. They are given in confirmation of the message of the Gospel... God's signature of approval, if you will.
Whereas miracles are for the world, one aspect of becoming spiritually mature that is so vitally important for the Body of Christ is something that is woefully lacking in most Christian circles... true, spiritual discernment. In the last days before Jesus' return, walking in true, spiritual discernment will not be optional.
Jesus, Himself, warns us in Matthew 24:24," For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones."
This is why we DO NOT chase after signs and wonders even though they aught to be naturally occurring around us. Our passion is to pursue our relationship with the Lord. Seeking daily to draw ever closer to Him.
So, what is discernment?
Discernment is the ability to determine our spiritual surroundings. We can not do this on our own... are you beginning to see how blind and helpless we really are? We are totally dependent on Him in every way and in aspect of our lives. For this, the plan of God has provided the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. As we've said before "baptism" means to be immersed. Imagine then, that you have been put inside a snow suit... you are inside Him and as you learn to move in obedience you learn to move with Him. When He steps, you step. His movement is matched by yours... Ephesians 5:1," Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children." (I'm trying to paint a picture to help us understand).
When we look we look through His eyes... this is discernment. By learning to move in obedience and move with Him, and by continuing daily, in relationship with Him (talking to Him, hanging out with Him) we begin to see what He sees.
Does that mean we'll start to see demons and angels and such?
Perhaps, in rare moments. On the whole, though, we'll have a sense inside of whether things are good or evil. We'll feel a sense of communion and fellowship in places or with people where God is welcome. Likewise, when we are in places or meet people who keep company with evil spirits there will be a sense of incompatibility. This may very in intensity. You may feel as though you can't get out of a place or away from a person fast enough. Or you may just have a sense that things are not quite right. Don't ignore these "feelings". Take note and observe. Often you'll begin to find things are, indeed, anything but right.
Also, read and learn the Scriptures. Not necessarily so that you can quote chapter and verse but so that you know what the Bible says and teaches. Jesus said that we would know a tree by its fruit. A good tree does not bare bad fruit and a bad tree does not bare good fruit and knowing the Scriptures will enable us tell the difference. Pay attention. Do you have a good or bad "feeling" about a person or place?
Remember that the Bible is the final authority because sometimes what we sense can be wrong or simply mistaken. After you have sensed something, observe and watch for fruit. Is it good or bad. Also, remember always, that all of this operates within a living, breathing, daily relationship with Jesus. Outside of this is only confusion and pain, as people hurl accusations at one another.
There is one rule that separates Freedom from Anarchy.... Love... let it govern you.
I like the snow suit analogy. Praise Jesus that He wants an intimate, personal relationship with each on of us!
ReplyDeleteGreat writing on all of your posts. Thanks.