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Friday, February 25, 2011

Putting Things in Place...continued

I'd like to talk a little bit about one of the reasons that I began this blog.
A question that someone might be tempted to ask is:
Are you trying to convince people to quit going to Church?
The answer is, no.
What I'm trying to do is equip people by teaching them that there is a difference between the church (a building with 4 walls and fancy stained glass windows) and the true Church (the Body of Christ, which is made up of people).
The local church house, down the street is not The Church and most, at least in our western culture, are filled with religion. That is not to say, however, that you can't find The Church within its walls. True Believers who truly love the Lord and are trying the best they know how to be obedient to Him. The reason I'm saying this is to help people understand that when church attacks it is from a religious, man made institution not from Jesus' Body. Also, to help people to shift away from accepting everything that is done and said within the walls of the church as Christian. Churches that are cold and elitist and people who call themselves Christian and yet make a lifestyle of going around attacking others, are probably not Christian at all. At the very least they are very immature and can be really quite dangerous and destructive. 
Remember what I said in the previous post. Read the Bible so that you know its teachings and principals. Walk in close relationship with the Lord. Watch for fruit... Keep in mind that when you find bad fruit in the church house or in the lives of people who profess to be Christian it has no baring on Jesus' goodness or on how much God cares. The fault lies with people not God's character. Also keep in mind that people are not perfect and you will be able to find fault with anybody if you look hard enough... if you're looking that hard, there's something wrong with your motives. Be patient with one another, letting Love govern. 
Lastly, it is important to be connected to the True Church, whether or not you choose to go to the church house on Sunday morning. Seek to be connected with true Believers who are Christ centered regardless of where you may find them. Being connected with the True Body of Christ will help you in your Christian walk, development and growth. Isolating yourself leaves you exposed to all kinds of attack, and should you fall who will be there to help you up again? 
Of course the Lord will help you but a lot of time and energy can be saved by having a True Christian network who can be there for you... and you for them.
So then, whether or not you choose to go down to the church house this Sunday morning or not is up to you. Just be wise, listening to the Lord, watching for fruit and understanding where attacks come from when they come.
Let the law of Love govern you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Putting Things in Place...

Now that we've talked about religion and spirituality a little bit, I'd like to bring some balance and put things into place.
In the book of Judges, Gideon asks the Angel of the Lord," ... where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about...". 
In the Book of 2 Kings 2:13-14 Elisha cries out," ... Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"
I truly believe that there is a deep hunger among God's people for the super-natural. If we are to walk in the footsteps of Jesus our lives aught to be full of it.
In the Bible is says that the Believers went about preaching the Good News of the Gospel and signs and wonders followed.
The super-natural in the life of the Believer should be normal and expected. HOWEVER, we are NOT to chase after miracles, signs and wonders. WE ARE TO CHASE AFTER JESUS, and the miracles are a byproduct of our relationship with Him. Here we get into that issue of being spiritually mature, again. The miracles are, of course, an encouragement to Believers as they have physical evidence that God is among them but, more so, they are a testimony to the world. They are given in confirmation of the message of the Gospel... God's signature of approval, if you will. 
Whereas miracles are for the world, one aspect of becoming spiritually mature that is so vitally important for the Body of Christ is something that is woefully lacking in most Christian circles... true, spiritual discernment. In the last days before Jesus' return, walking in true, spiritual discernment will not be optional.
Jesus, Himself, warns us in Matthew 24:24," For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones."
This is why we DO NOT chase after signs and wonders even though they aught to be naturally occurring around us. Our passion is to pursue our relationship with the Lord. Seeking daily to draw ever closer to Him.
So, what is discernment?
Discernment is the ability to determine our spiritual surroundings. We can not do this on our own... are you beginning to see how blind and helpless we really are? We are totally dependent on Him in every way and in aspect of our lives. For this, the plan of God has provided the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. As we've said before "baptism" means to be immersed. Imagine then, that you have been put inside a snow suit... you are inside Him and as you learn to move in obedience you learn to move with Him. When He steps, you step. His movement is matched by yours... Ephesians 5:1," Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children." (I'm trying to paint a picture to help us understand).
When we look we look through His eyes... this is discernment. By learning to move in obedience and move with Him, and by continuing daily, in relationship with Him (talking to Him, hanging out with Him) we begin to see what He sees.
Does that mean we'll start to see demons and angels and such?
Perhaps, in rare moments. On the whole, though, we'll have a sense inside of whether things are good or evil. We'll feel a sense of communion and fellowship in places or with people where God is welcome. Likewise, when we are in places or meet people who keep company with evil spirits there will be a sense of incompatibility. This may very in intensity. You may feel as though you can't get out of a place or away from a person fast enough. Or you may just have a sense that things are not quite right. Don't ignore these "feelings". Take note and observe. Often you'll begin to find things are, indeed, anything but right. 
Also, read and learn the Scriptures. Not necessarily so that you can quote chapter and verse but so that you know what the Bible says and teaches. Jesus said that we would know a tree by its fruit. A good tree does not bare bad fruit and a bad tree does not bare good fruit and knowing the Scriptures will enable us tell the difference. Pay attention. Do you have a good or bad "feeling" about a person or place? 
Remember that the Bible is the final authority because sometimes what we sense can be wrong or simply mistaken. After you have sensed something, observe and watch for fruit. Is it good or bad. Also, remember always, that all of this operates within a living, breathing, daily relationship with Jesus. Outside of this is only confusion and pain, as people hurl accusations at one another.
There is one rule that separates Freedom from Anarchy.... Love... let it govern you. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

In the Steps of Jesus...

Jesus came and lived His life as an example for us. So there are a couple of things that we need to realize.
First of all, Jesus as the Son of God. He was the only begotten Son of God. Meaning His conception was a miracle. He was not born because His mom and dad got together in the usual way. His mother was visited by an angel who told her that she would become pregnant without a man and give birth to a son. She was told that she was to name Him Jesus (which means "deliverer"). This is how Jesus was able to live a sinless life and pay the price, on the cross, that we all owed. He died so that we could go free. Through Him the requirements of the Law of God... without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sin... were met. In other words, because of what He did for us, our sin is made as though it never happened.  Through Him we are "washed" 100% clean and made acceptable in the presence of God. This is important because, since the fall of man God has longed for the relationship with His creation ( "Man", His sons and daughters) to be restored like it was in the beginning. Now, because of the shed blood of Jesus the way is open to whoever would come.
Now, I am an intelligent and rational man. As such I understand this may sound a bit crazy to anyone who has not made that step in their lives. As with so much of what the Bible teaches, the truth and the life that can be experienced involves a step of faith. You can have a new beginning and it can start right now. Accepting Jesus is who the Bible says He is. Accepting the pardon that Jesus has purchased for you. Accepting that He is the Son of God. That He lived, died, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. Accepting that His Blood was shed for you so that you can be washed clean and begin a new life with Him, will open a door to a life you couldn't have imagined in your wildest dreams... IF YOU GIVE PURSUIT TO HIM... and that right there is was sets those who know Him intimately apart from those who push and shove one another among the church pews. 
Now, after having said that I need to say this... don't condemn people (though it can be really hard not to, sometimes). Some of those people who are pushing and shoving are fakers and some of them are Christian people who have never found leadership who would shoulder the responsibility of showing them the way to maturity. Of the fakers, some will one day find truth. Of the immature, some may eventually pass away...... can you tell who's who?
What is given to us, is to judge the spirit. Through our relationship with Jesus and by observing we can come to a place of recognizing places that are safe for us and places where we might do well to avoid.
Secondly, Jesus as the Son of Man. Here is where I'm going to say some things that may make church tradition go all "heretic hunter". However, it is so important in our growth as Christian people that we understand that Jesus said, "... follow Me...", and in order for us to do so, we need to be able to. What I'm saying is that we can never reach up to a place where we can follow in the footsteps of God. So, God reached down and walked this world with us, AS ONE OF US (Philippians 2:6-8).
As a man Jesus wasn't able to work miracles. As a man He was unable to turn water to wine or open blind eyes or to raise the dead. The evidence of this is in the first 30 years of His life. We don't hear anything about Him from His birth to His baptism other that 1 little story of Him at the Temple at the age of 12. The reason why we don't hear about Him during that time of His life is because He was not unlike anyone else. He nursed at His mother's breast. He got food all over his face when He ate as a toddler. He needed His diaper changed. He fell and scraped His knees and bumped His elbows. As He got older He learned the skill of carpentry and helped make a living for His family.
HOWEVER, everything changed the day He was led by the Holy Spirit to the Jordan River to be baptized by His cousin John. There after rising from the muddy waters of the Jordan River an event took place that rocketed Him into His ministry. The Bible says in the book of Matthew 3:16-17, " After His baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on Him. And a voice from heaven said," This is My dearly loved Son, who brings Me great joy.""
From that moment on Jesus is either going to a miracle or just coming back from one. His life is alive with a Spiritual energy that opens blind eyes and deaf ears. That causes the lame to run and leap and raises the dead. That casts demons from human hosts and fearlessly stands against the system of religion and control that dominates the day.... and to you and I He says,"... follow Me... Walk in My footsteps... Do as I do". The book of John 14:12 records Jesus saying," I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father".
Why was it important that He went to the Father (God)?
Because as long as He was walking among us the Father couldn't send the Holy Spirit (John7:39).
Ok, here's a quick recap. Jesus is baptized and the Holy Spirit descends and remains on Him and His ministry begins. He lives a life fill with miracles and the super-natural then says, "... follow Me...".
There's a problem. We know that through Jesus' shed Blood we are saved and restored into right relationship with God but we can't, as mere humans, walk a super-natural life. We need the experience that changed Jesus at His baptism to change us, too. We need the baptism in the Holly Spirit... to be immersed in Him.
In the book of John 20:22 Jesus blows on the disciples and says, "Receive the Holy Spirit...".
In the book of Acts 2:1-4 we are given the account of the disciple being filled with the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. The Disciples left that room different people. Rather than cowering in fear, their lives were filled with power as the Holy Spirit rested upon each of them and the True Church,  or Body of Christ, went into all the world just like Jesus did, in power and the super-natural. When Jesus blew on His disciples and commanded that they receive the Holy Spirit, He effectively reproduced Himself and instead of one Jesus to worry about the devil now had thousands. Today there are millions but unfortunately, perhaps, most don't really know who they are. The result is a dying world that is continuing to die, all around us. It is essential, then, that the Body of Christ mature and step into its role bringing healing to this broken world.
Now then, this is the experience of being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:11 says that Jesus will baptize us in the Holy Spirit. The word "baptized" means to be immersed. When we are immersed in the Holy Spirit and are living in close relationship with Jesus, then when He whispers in our hearts to go over and touch that person, for example, and we move in obedience, it isn't our hand that touches that has power to heal but the hand of the Holy Spirit, as our hand is immersed in His.
As it says that Jesus is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit, so He did in Acts chapter 2 and He continues to do today, for all those who ask.
This is the only way we can truly bring healing to our world. This is the only way that we can truly fulfill the great commission. This is why it is so important that we learn what it is to mature as Christian people and submit to the process. This is why we need to be willing to go through the Door (the cross, as I explained in my last post) instead of being satisfied to mill around at the threshold, lashing out at anyone who doesn't adhere to our tradition.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Door...

So then, how can we avoid the pitfalls of religion?

How can we avoid the road that leads to the APPEARANCE of spirituality and truly BECOME spiritual?

First of all we need to humble ourselves and admit that in spite of our best efforts, we are helpless to become truly spiritual by ourselves. We need God's help. In Philippians 1:6 it says that He (God) who has begun a good work in you will complete it....

Let's take a lesson from the Scriptures.
In the book of 1 Samuel it talks about David (who would someday become King of Israel) hiding from King Saul in the Cave of Adullum (the cave that gives this blog its name). While hiding here he is joined by his brothers and other relatives. Then others begin to come,"... men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented- until David was the captain of about 400 men."

Note the state of these men... in trouble, in debt and discontented.

Now, look at these same men near the end of David's life (granted, they might have been joined by others along the way but I believe that this was the core of David's men throughout his reign). In 2 Samuel 23:8-17 we are introduced to David's Mighty Men. Note, these ARE NOT fairy tale characters. These men lived and did the exploits recorded here... Yes, they were real!

The first of David's Mighty Men as recorded in 2 Samuel 8-17 was Jashobeam. Who once used a spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in a single battle.

Next was Eleazar who once stood with David against a Philistine army when the entire Israelite army had fled. He killed enemy warriors until his hand was too tired to lift his sward and the Lord gave he and David a great victory that day. The rest of Israelite army didn't return until it was time to collect the plunder.

Then came Shammah. Who once stood his ground in a field of lentils when the rest of the army fled. He stood alone and beat back a whole Philistine army... an army large and intimidating enough to cause the rest of the Israelites to flee!

These were the most famous 3 but there were others.

Abishai, for example. who once used a spear to kill 300 warriors in a single battle.

Benaiah, who killed 2 champions of Moab, chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day and killed it. He also killed a great Egyptian warrior. Benaiah was armed only with a club but he wrenched the Egyptian's spear from his hands and killed him with it.

There were others still but only their names are given and not examples of their exploits.

Question: What happened to the men who were in trouble, in debt and discontented to make them into warriors like these?

Answer: They died.

No not physically. Read the exploit in 2 Samuel 23:13-17 of how David (their leader and in their hearts and minds, King) remarked longingly of how he would like a drink from the well at Bethleham, then occupied by a Philistine detachment. 3 of David's Mighty Men broke through the ranks of the Philistines, in mid-day, fighting every step of the way, only to draw a bit of water from the well for their King!!

At some point, in the wilderness, these men died to themselves and came alive to their King!
Dead to their selfish motives!
Dead to the plans they made for themselves!
Dead to their pride!
And they lived every moment, from that point on, for the will of their King!

The nation of Israel echoed this as they journeyed through the wilderness for 40 years. All of those who had disobeyed God 40 years earlier laid dead in the wilderness.

What causes us to disobey God? Selfish motives, pride, our own plans, to name a few... in essence our "carnality".

In their place stood a generation who were dead to themselves and alive to their King (God). They crossed over the Jordan River during flood season on dry ground!
They marched around cities and the walls came tumbling down!
So long as they walked in obedience, they crushed every army, every enemy, every obstacle they faced. They were unbeatable, unstoppable! 

They were an entire nation of warriors like David's Mighty Men! Dead to themselves and alive to their King... think about it!

What is the road to becoming truly spiritual?

Jesus commanded (Mark 10:21),"... take up the cross and follow Me." 
Jesus said (Matthew 10:39)," He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life, for My sake, will find it."
Jesus says (Matthew 10:38)," And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."... wow.
Revelation 12:11 says," And they overcame him (the devil) by the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus' shed Blood) and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives to the death."

The door to becoming truly spiritual is the cross.

There are no short cuts and there is no way of faking it. The way to becoming spiritual is to climb up on our own cross and die to ourselves. He lead the way and commanded us to follow.

What does it mean to die to ourselves?

In 1 John 2:15-17 the Bible says," Do not love this world or the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But everyone who does what pleases God will live forever."

This,"... For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions...". Other translations of the Bible say,"... the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life...". This is alive in each of us and it is what we must die to.

In James 1:2-4 it says," My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

In Romans 5:3-5 it says," And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance produces character and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

These passages of Scripture speak of the road to spiritual maturity; true spirituality. That road is a road of trials just as the cross is a painful way to die. Because its through trials that we see God's faithfulness and through trails we see how shallow our greed, pride and selfish desires really are. Its where we find that the only things of value which are truly worth living for are the things of God.

Understand that life offers plenty of trials and if we ask the Lord to make us what He wants us to be, He will lead us through all we need to accomplish His desires for us... spiritual maturity. We do not need to go out and act foolish to create trials for ourselves and then try to boast that we are becoming spiritual. The process of our maturity is God's business. Let Him take care of it without interfering, hoping to speed up the process. Or worse yet, trying to draw attention to ourselves, by a religious spirit, to get people to notice or admire us. Religion has a way of twisting and putrefying everything if its allowed to weasel its way into.

What it boils down to is this. Live life, do what God has given you to do and when (not if) trials come don't run but stand and endure. Like with the nation of Israel in the wilderness or David's Mighty Men, a "wilderness" season, a time of trials and hardship is normal and necessary in developing maturity in a Child of God. We are changed by the experience. A little each time until we are ready and He anoints us as His Mighty Men or Women.

I know that you may be hurting and I understand that the stuff that I've said here may not make you feel all warm and fuzzy. But the hardships that you're going through are the doorway (the cross) that is taking you to a place where you don't have the courage to dream the kinds of wonders that are awaiting you...yep, its gonna blow your mind, and the pain that you are feeling now will be forgotten in the light of who you are about to become, when its over....... I'll try and explain some of that next time:).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lets talk a bit about religion...eventually:).

Religion is not merely a system of thought or worship. Religion is a spirit.

A "spirit" in this case is a demonic entity. Closer, perhaps, to what you may find on Hollywood's silver screens then what might be found in the understanding of much of the church.

Of course, Hollywood is full of... well... Hollywood. Having said that, a silver screen "demon" is an individual entity totally bent on evil. A person of sorts, though not human. It is self conscious. Fully equipped with mind, will and emotions. Able to grow jealous or take revenge. 

On the other hand religious church deals with the demonic in a number of ways. 

One way is flat out denial. Which is very secular and not at all what you would expect from an institution that fancies itself an expert on all things spiritual. 

Another way is to water down the demonic until it isn't much more than an attitude or atmosphere. So and so has a rebellious spirit... no... so and so has a rebellious attitude. Or like an amusement park might have a spirit of fun... wrong... it has an atmosphere of fun. Granted, the presence of a spirit can often create an atmosphere or provoke the development of an attitude. These things are, never the less, symptoms and not the cause in and of themselves. 

Yet another way the religious church deals with the demonic is to become so flakey and goofy that it borders on insanity. For example, say word gets out that there's a demon on the loose. One might grab a shofar ( a Jewish horn made from a ram's horn ) and blow a toot. The "science" ( and I use the term very loosely ) behind this that a shofar can produce a note with just the right frequency, or sound waves to drive a demon away........ whatever.

Of course this list isn't by any means complete but you can get an idea. 

You don`t need to read much of the Bible to begin to realize that none of these ways of defining the demonic or how they are dealt with is rooted in Scripture. What this creates is an atmosphere where demonic spirits can roam freely, causing havoc.  This is allowed to happen because of the "carnal" state of the church. The root of the word "carnal" is latin and it means "flesh". In other words, it is because of the "fleshly" or non-spiritual state of the church.

People interact with things with their natural senses. Concerning natural things this is completely normal. However, problems quickly arise when we approach spiritual things in this same way. When we try to use natural means to determine our spiritual surroundings. For example, a carnal ( fleshly or non-spiritual ) Christian may look with their natural sense of sight at how someone is dressed to determine whether that person is possessed by a demon ( for the sake of discussion ). What they have done is look for a sign in the natural with their natural sense of sight for something that they can place a spiritual value on.

A Biblical example of this can be found in the book of Matthew 16:1-4. In this account the Pharisees and Sadducees ( the religious leaders of the day ) approach Jesus and ask Him to produce a sign so that they could determine whether He was from God or not. Jesus gives them a strong rebuke saying that it is a wicked and adulterous generation that seeks a sign....

What Jesus is saying is this... You as spiritual leaders aught to know God. If you knew God you would recognize Me. I came from Him. Because you are asking Me to show you a sign in the natural realm that you can see with your natural eyes you are putting on display your carnality, your immaturity and the fact that, though you claim to be spiritual leaders, you aren't spiritual at all. 

What hope was there for all the people who were looking up to these "leaders" to show them the way to God?...... Sadly, the same question can be asked today. 

This is what religion is. Religion is a spiritual entity that is given the freedom to roam about because of the carnal, non-spiritual state of the church.

This is what the spirit of religion does. Its ultimate purpose is to distract people from finding God.  To get people tangled up in performance and all types of non-sense that give them a SENSE of spirituality without sacrificing to actually BECOME spiritual. 

There really is no difference whether people get so bound up in trying to appear spiritual that they lose sight of the point... having an intimate relationship with God. Or that through those who are bound by religion so much offense is caused that others refuse to try. Either way the purpose of the spirit of religion is fulfilled. 

Jesus was not religious! It was men bound by a spirit of religion that arrested Him in the garden. It was religion that accused Him of crimes they felt were deserving of death, though He was innocent. It was by the spirit of religion that He was sentenced to death by crusifixion. It was human beings puffed up with religious pride and bound by a religious spirit that paraded Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem to a hill outside the city and it was there, by the spirit of religion, He was murdered.

BUT.... God's plan used this to rescue you and me... and redeem us!   


We need to understand...

There are some things that we need to get settled from the very beginning.

Firstly, we need to understand that the Bible is absolute and 100% accurate on all accounts. In a world without absolutes there is nothing to build a stable foundation on. When there are exceptions to every rule the ground beneath any foundation attempted is constantly shifting and anything built upon such a foundation will ultimately fall.

Secondly, is that the God of the Bible is who He says He is in His word (The Bible) and not what centuries of tradition have made Him out to be.

Thirdly, is the existence of a spiritual realm. There is a God and in Him there is no evil. There is a devil and in him there is no good. These 2, along with angels and demons exist in a realm including and extending far beyond our own.

Lastly, for now:), is that throughout my posts you will read instances where I refer to "Church" quite negatively. Other times in a positive context. I`m referring to 2 separate entities. The negative entity is a man made institution which stands guilty of murder, control and intimidation, among other things. The positive entity is the "True Church". This is not a building marked by cross and steeple nor a system of programs and politics. It consists of people. Living Stones who have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
You may also notice that I do not treat "Church" as God. Nor is God "Church". The 2 are not synonymous. There should be an intimate relationship between the two, however, today and throughout much of history this is sadly, more times than not, not the case.    

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

for starters...

If you have faced long seasons of struggle I just want to say... God has not forgotten you!!

If you are going through something that came on suddenly and is so intense that its threatening to tear you apart... God has not abandoned you!!

Remember that no matter what you are going through He has been and always will be right there beside you, every step of the way... now and forever!!
Heb. 13:5b, Deut 31:6,8

PS... for those of you who might be reading this and are unfamiliar with stuff like "Heb. 13:5b". They are Scripture references that you can use to look up passages in the Bible. "Heb." stands for the book of Hebrews, which can be found in the new testament of the Bible. The "13" stands for chapter 13 and the "5" stands for verse 5. The "b" means the second part of the verse.
If you don`t have a Bible, I encourage you to get one.
If you need to know more before you make such and investment please stay posted.
In the mean time the 2 references above are for passages in the Bible that tell us that God will,  "...never leave us, or forsake us".