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Friday, February 11, 2011

We need to understand...

There are some things that we need to get settled from the very beginning.

Firstly, we need to understand that the Bible is absolute and 100% accurate on all accounts. In a world without absolutes there is nothing to build a stable foundation on. When there are exceptions to every rule the ground beneath any foundation attempted is constantly shifting and anything built upon such a foundation will ultimately fall.

Secondly, is that the God of the Bible is who He says He is in His word (The Bible) and not what centuries of tradition have made Him out to be.

Thirdly, is the existence of a spiritual realm. There is a God and in Him there is no evil. There is a devil and in him there is no good. These 2, along with angels and demons exist in a realm including and extending far beyond our own.

Lastly, for now:), is that throughout my posts you will read instances where I refer to "Church" quite negatively. Other times in a positive context. I`m referring to 2 separate entities. The negative entity is a man made institution which stands guilty of murder, control and intimidation, among other things. The positive entity is the "True Church". This is not a building marked by cross and steeple nor a system of programs and politics. It consists of people. Living Stones who have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
You may also notice that I do not treat "Church" as God. Nor is God "Church". The 2 are not synonymous. There should be an intimate relationship between the two, however, today and throughout much of history this is sadly, more times than not, not the case.    


  1. Mark, I truely agree what you are saying here. I love how you describe what th True Church is. Good Word Mark.

  2. Mark take a look at this site:

    This will give you a count on the hits ou are getting and where they are coming from. You can put it on your Blog and when people click into your blog it will register as a count and the place where it came from.


  3. Mark & Gerald, churches today do not have a covenant with God. They are all state churches. 99.9% of churches today have a tax-exempt certificate [501(c)(3)] which requires being incorporated with the government. It is not possible to be incorporated with the government and have a covenant with God at the same time. The IRS is the entity that issues 501(c)(3)’s and in the last 15 to 20 or so years the IRS has been adding rules that dictate what churches can and cannot teach – thus they have become state churches. The very thing [reason] the pilgrims came here from England to escape almost 300 hundred years ago. (hey you two, I'm not so good with blogs, just happened on yours so please use my contact info here to talk to me further) [email:] Cliff


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